a cat lying on a bed

Dr. Tracy Nicole Frey

DVM, DACVS – Mobile Veterinary Surgeon

Dr. Tracy Nicole Frey, a board-certified small-animal surgeon and founder of SoftSurg Incorporated, has been providing advanced surgical care in Southern California since 2009. Specializing in soft tissue and emergency surgery, Dr. Frey is passionate about gastrointestinal and oncologic procedures, as well as pain management and critical care. With extensive experience and a deep commitment to patient care, she collaborates with pet owners and veterinarians to ensure compassionate, high-quality care.

Dr. Frey’s little princess is a gorgeous Pomeranian named Pouf, whose favorite
hobbies are spinning in circles, playing fetch, and going for walks in her pretty pink buggy!

For more information, ask one of our knowledgeable veterinarians about Dr. Frey’s services.

Services Include:

  • Abdominal Surgery
  • Ear, Nose and Throat Surgery
  • Endocrine Surgery
  • Gastrointestinal Surgery
  • Hepatobiliary Surgery (Liver & Gallbladder)
  • Limb, Digit, and Tail amputations
  • Oncology Surgery such as Mass Removal
  • Perineal and Perianal Surgery, including Anal Gland Removal
  • Reconstructive Surgery
  • Respiratory Surgery
  • Urogenital Surgery

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For more information, please contact Moonlight Veterinary Center.